Pars National

Family Sponsorship Immigration

What is Canadian Sponsorship Visa?

The Canadian Sponsorship Visa, also known as Family Sponsorship Immigration, allows individuals who are over 18 years old and have permanent residency or citizenship in Canada to sponsor family members, including parents, grandparents, spouse, and children, for permanent residency in Canada.

The sponsorship method for obtaining a Canadian visa for immigrant family members has many advantages. However, it's important to note that each person must review their specific conditions and requirements for obtaining a sponsorship visa in Canada and ensure that this method is the best option for them and their family.

Advantages of the sponsorship method include:

  • Permanent Residency: By obtaining a sponsorship visa, individuals can secure permanent residency in Canada for themselves and their families. This means they can live directly in Canada and enjoy all the benefits of permanent residency in the country.
  • Work and Study Opportunities: Individuals migrating to Canada with a sponsorship visa have the opportunity to work and study in the country. This allows them to participate in the Canadian job market and take advantage of various educational opportunities in the country.
  • Financial Support: Sponsored individuals are financially supported by their sponsors, which helps them easily cope with financial challenges when starting a new life in Canada.
  • Speed in Visa Acquisition: Usually, the process of obtaining a sponsorship visa is faster due to direct communication with a Canadian citizen or permanent resident. This means that immigrants can receive their visas more quickly and migrate to Canada sooner.
  • Bright Future Prospects: Permanent residency in Canada provides sponsored individuals and their families with the opportunity to create a stable and secure future in the country. This includes access to various healthcare, educational, and social services in Canada.

Conditions for becoming a sponsor

  • Age and Status: Sponsors must usually be over 18 years old and be either a Canadian citizen, a permanent resident, or, in some cases, a registered Indian under the Canadian Indian Act.

  • Financial Ability: Sponsors need to demonstrate that they have enough income or assets to support the individuals they’re sponsoring and their own family members.

  • Undertaking: Sponsors need to sign an undertaking, a legal agreement confirming their commitment to financially support the sponsored individuals and their family members for a certain period of time.

  • No Social Assistance: Sponsors must not be receiving social assistance (except for disability) for reasons other than a disability.

  • No Default on Past Sponsorships: Sponsors should not have failed to meet the terms of a sponsorship agreement in the past, or be in default of a previous undertaking.

  • No Criminal Convictions: Sponsors should not have been convicted of a serious criminal offense, or certain offenses related to the sponsorship itself.

Note: These are general conditions, and specific requirements may vary depending on the type of sponsorship and the province.


The steps to obtain a sponsorship visa for Canada typically include:

This involves visiting the website of Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada, downloading and filling out the relevant forms by you and the sponsored person, uploading the forms to the sponsored person’s profile, and receiving the application package from the Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada website.


This stage involves creating an account in the system for applying for permanent residency in Canada, filling out the relevant forms, and registering images of all individuals involved in the process.

This involves paying the Canada sponsorship fee online, which includes various costs such as fees for spouses and each child.

This includes submitting documents such as medical tests, police clearance certificates, and information such as the birth of a child, marriage or divorce, death of the applicant or the sponsored person.

Sponsorship involves nuances and complexities that Pars National’s official consultants, with their 25 years of experience, can assist you with along the way.


Pars National is your passport to Canada.